Synonyms and related words :
Australian ballot, Hare system, Parthian shot, about, absolute power, absolutism, acknowledge, acme, address, affirm, affirmance, affirmation, after-dinner speech, allegation, allege, allocution, almost, animadvert, announce, announcement, annunciate, annunciation, answer, answer back, apostrophe, approximately, approximatively, argue, articulate, ascendancy, assert, assertion, assever, asseverate, asseveration, assume, authority, authorization, aver, averment, avouch, avouchment, avow, avowal, aye, ballot, be afraid, be-all and end-all, believe, blue ribbon, bout, break silence, breathe, bring out, canvass, canvassing, casting vote, chalk talk, championship, chance, charisma, charm, chime, chime in, choice, chorus, cite, clout, come back, come out with, command, comment, communicate, competence, competency, conceive, conclude, conclusion, consequence, consider, constituted authority, contend, control, convey, counting heads, crack, credit, creed, cumulative voting, daresay, debate, deciding vote, decision, declamation, declaration, declare, deduce, deem, delegated authority, deliver, diatribe, dictum, directorship, disclose, discretion, divine, divine right, division, dominance, domination, dominion, dream, echo, effect, effectiveness, eminence, emit, enchantment, enfranchisement, enunciate, enunciation, esteem, eulogy, exclamation, exhortation, expect, express, expression, faculty, fagot vote, fancy, favor, feel, filibuster, first place, first prize, flash back, fling off, for practical purposes, force, forensic, forensic address, formal speech, formulate, franchise, free choice, free decision, free will, full consent, funeral oration, gather, generally, generally speaking, give, give acknowledgment, give answer, give expression, give out with, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, go, good feeling, grant, graveyard vote, greeting, hand vote, harangue, have, headship, hegemony, height, highest, hold, hortatory address, imagine, impart, imperium, importance, in round numbers, inaugural, inaugural address, incidental power, indicate, indirect authority, infer, influence, influentiality, inherent authority, inning, innings, insinuation, insist, interjection, invective, ipse dixit, issue a manifesto, jeremiad, jurisdiction, jus divinum, just, kingship, lawful authority, lay down, leadership, legal authority, legitimacy, let, let be, let out, leverage, lip, list system, lordship, magnetism, maintain, management, manifesto, mark, mastership, mastery, maximum, mention, moment, more or less, most, nay, ne plus ultra, new high, no, noncontingent free will, nontransferable vote, note, observation, opine, opportunity, option, oration, out with, palms, paramountcy, pep talk, peroration, personality, persuasion, philippic, phonate, phrase, pipe up, pitch, place, plebiscite, plebiscitum, plumper, plural vote, poll, polling, position, position paper, positive declaration, potency, pour forth, power, practically, predicate, predication, predominance, preferential voting, prefigure, prepared speech, prepared text, preponderance, prerogative, present, presidency, pressure, prestige, presume, presuppose, presurmise, primacy, proclaim, proclamation, profess, profession, pronounce, pronouncement, proportional representation, proposition, protest, protestation, provisionally accept, proxy, public speech, purchase, put, put forth, put in words, put it, question, quote, raise, react, read, reading, recital, recitation, recite, reckon, record, record vote, reecho, referendum, reflection, regality, register, reign, rejoin, relief, remark, repeat, reply, representation, repute, respond, retort, return, return answer, return for answer, reverberate, right, right to vote, rightful authority, riposte, rising vote, roughly, roughly speaking, round, roundly, royal prerogative, rule, sales talk, salutatory, salutatory address, say in reply, say out, say-so, saying, screed, secret ballot, sentence, set down, set forth, set speech, shoot back, show of hands, single vote, snap vote, sound, sovereignty, speak, speak out, speak up, speech, speechification, speeching, spell, stance, stand, stand for, stand on, state, statement, straw vote, suasion, subjoinder, submit, subtle influence, suffrage, suggestion, suppose, supremacy, surmise, suspect, sway, take, take for, take for granted, take it, take the floor, take to be, talk, talk back, talkathon, tell, the say, the say-so, think, thought, throw off, throw out, time, time at bat, tirade, top spot, transferable vote, turn, understand, upper hand, utter, utterance, valediction, valedictory, valedictory address, verbalize, vested authority, vicarious authority, viva voce, vocalize, voice, voice vote, vote, voting, voting right, vouch, weight, whack, whip hand, whisper, word, write-in, write-in vote, yea, yeas and nays, yes, zenith