Synonyms and related words :
Easy Street, aegis, affluence, aplomb, armament, armor, arrogance, aspiration, assumption, assurance, assured faith, assuredness, asylum, authenticity, authoritativeness, bail, balance, balanced personality, bamboo curtain, barrier of secrecy, bed of roses, belief, blackout, bond, calculability, care, censorship, certainty, certification, certitude, cheerful expectation, clear sailing, clover, cocksureness, collateral, comfort, confidence, confidentness, constancy, conviction, cool, courage, curtain, custodianship, custody, dependability, dependence, deposit, desire, doomed hope, earnest, ease, easy circumstances, equilibrium, expectation, fair prospect, faith, faithworthiness, fastness, felicity, fervent hope, firmness, fleshpots, gage, good cheer, good hope, gracious life, gracious living, great expectations, guarantee, guaranty, guard, guarding, happiness, harmlessness, high hopes, homeostasis, hope, hopeful prognosis, hopefulness, hopes, hoping, hoping against hope, hubris, hush-up, immunity, imperturbability, insurance, invariability, invincibility, invulnerability, iron curtain, ironbound security, lap of luxury, life of ease, loaves and fishes, luxury, nerve, oath of secrecy, official secrecy, overconfidence, oversureness, overweening, overweeningness, pall, pawn, pledge, poise, pomposity, positiveness, prayerful hope, predictability, presumption, pride, promise, prospect, prospects, prosperity, prosperousness, protection, refuge, reliability, reliance, repression, risklessness, rootedness, safeguard, safeguarding, safeness, safety, sanctuary, sang-froid, sanguine expectation, seal of secrecy, secureness, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-importance, self-reliance, settled belief, shelter, shield, smothering, solidity, soundness, stability, stable equilibrium, stable state, stableness, staunchness, steadfastness, steadiness, steady nerves, steady state, stifling, strength, subjective certainty, substantiality, success, suppression, sureness, surety, surveillance, the affluent life, the good life, thriving condition, token, trust, trustworthiness, undeflectability, unerringness, uniformity, unshakable nerves, unshakableness, upward mobility, validity, veil, veil of secrecy, velvet, ward, warrant, warranty, weal, wealth, welfare, well-being, well-grounded hope, wraps