Synonyms and related words :
Mystik tape, Scotch tape, abscind, adhesive tape, airstrip, amputate, annihilate, apron, ban, band, bandage, bandeau, bankrupt, bar, bare, bark, batten, belt, bereave, billet, bleed, bleed white, bob, bolt, boot, bounce, break, bump, bust, call, can, cashier, cellophane tape, clearway, clip, cloth tape, coil, confiscate, crop, cross-hatching, cull, cut, cut away, cut off, cut out, dash, decorticate, defoliate, defrock, degrade, delineation, demote, denudate, denude, deplume, depose, depredate, deprive, desecrate, desolate, despoil, devastate, diagonal, disarray, disbar, discharge, disemploy, dismantle, dismember, dismiss, displace, displume, dispossess, disrobe, divest, do a strip-tease, dock, doff, dotted line, drain, draw and quarter, drum out, dry, eliminate, enucleate, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, excoriate, exhaust, expel, expose, expropriate, extinguish, extirpate, fairway, fascia, fillet, fire, flay, fleece, flight deck, friction tape, furlough, girdle, give the ax, give the gate, hachure, hairline, hatching, impoverish, ingot, isolate, kick, kick upstairs, knock off, lacerate, landing deck, landing strip, lath, lay bare, lay off, lay open, let go, let out, ligula, ligule, line, lineation, list, loot, lop, maim, make redundant, mangle, masking tape, milk, mutilate, nip, option, pare, part, peel, pension off, pick clean, pick out, pick to pieces, piece, pillage, plank, plastic tape, pluck, plunder, portion, prune, pull apart, put, put and call, ransack, read out of, release, remove, replace, retire, ribband, ribbon, right, rip off, rob, rod, roll, root out, rule out, run, runway, sack, scale, scalp, score, section, segment, seize, separate forcibly, set apart, set aside, shave, shear, shred, skin, slab, slash, slat, slip, spill, spline, spoliate, spread, stamp out, stick, stock option, straddle, strake, strap, streak, streaking, striation, strike off, string, strip bare, strip off, stripe, striping, stripping, stroke, strop, sublineation, suck dry, superannuate, surplus, suspend, swath, swathe, taenia, take apart, take away, take off, take out, tape, tape measure, tapeline, tear apart, tear to pieces, tear to tatters, ticker tape, truncate, turn off, turn out, unarray, uncase, uncloak, unclothe, uncover, underline, underlining, underscore, underscoring, undrape, undress, unfrock, unsheathe, unveil, virgule, waste, wipe out