Synonyms and related words :
absolute certainty, absoluteness, acceptation, acception, acquiescence, angel, arrogance, assurance, assuredness, backer, bail, bailsman, belief, bond, bondsman, certain knowledge, certainness, certainty, certitude, clear sailing, cocksureness, confidence, confidentness, conviction, courage, credence, credit, credulity, dead certainty, definiteness, dependence, determinacy, determinateness, earnest, earnest money, escrow, faith, gage, godfather, godparent, guarantee, guarantor, guaranty, handsel, harmlessness, hock, hope, hostage, hubris, immunity, indemnity, ineluctability, inerrability, inerrancy, inevitability, infallibilism, infallibility, insurance, insurer, invulnerability, mainpernor, mainprise, mortgagor, necessity, nonambiguity, noncontingency, overconfidence, oversureness, overweening, overweeningness, patron, pawn, pignus, pledge, poise, pomposity, positiveness, predestination, predetermination, pride, probatum, protection, proved fact, reception, recognizance, reliance, reliance on, replevin, replevy, risklessness, safeguard, safeness, safety, security, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-importance, self-reliance, settled belief, sponsor, stock, stocks and bonds, store, subjective certainty, sureness, suspension of disbelief, tie, token payment, trust, truth, unambiguity, undertaking, underwriter, unequivocalness, univocity, unmistakableness, vadimonium, vadium, warrant, warrantor, warranty