Synonyms and related words :
agitate, agonize, be poised, billow, blind bargain, blunder, bob, bobble, bowl, break, bung, call, careen, career, cast, cast at, cast lots, catapult, chance at odds, change of pace, change-up, chuck, chuck at, chunk, clap, coggle, comb, crash, curve, cut lots, cut the cards, dangle, dart, dash, downcurve, draw lots, draw straws, ebb and flow, even break, even chance, fair shake, falter, fastball, fidget, fifty-fifty, fire, fire at, fling, fling at, flip, flip out, flounce, flounder, fluctuate, flutter, fork, forward pass, freak out on, gamble, gambling chance, game, get high on, glow, go pitapat, half a chance, have the fidgets, have the shakes, heave, heave at, hobbyhorse, hurl, hurl against, hurl at, hurtle, imbibe, incurve, jerk, jiggle, joggle, knuckleball, labor, lance, lash, lateral, lateral pass, launch, let fly, let fly at, librate, lift, lob, look all over, look everywhere, lot, lurch, make heavy weather, match coins, matter of chance, nutate, odds, oscillate, outcurve, palpitate, pant, pass, peak, peg, pelt, pendulate, pitch, pitch and plunge, pitch and toss, pitchfork, plank, play, play at dice, play the ponies, plop, plump, plunge, plunk, popple, potluck, potshot, pound, propel, put, put the shot, quaff, quake, quaver, quiver, raffle off, rake, random shot, ransack, rear, reel, resonate, rifle, rise, rise and fall, rock, roll, rummage, scend, scour, screwball, search high heaven, seethe, send, serve, service, shake, shake down, shake up, shiver, shoot craps, shot-put, shy, shy at, sinker, sip, slap, slider, sling, sling at, smash, snap, speculate, spitball, spitter, sport, sporting chance, square odds, squirm, stagger, standoff, stir up, struggle, stumble, sup, surge, swag, swallow, sway, swell, swell with emotion, swing, thrash, thrash about, thrill, thrill to, throb, throw, throw at, thrust, tilt, tingle, tingle with excitement, toss and tumble, toss and turn, toss at, toss-up, totter, touch and go, tremble, tumble, turn inside out, turn on to, turn upside down, twist and turn, twitch, twitter, undulate, upcurve, vacillate, vibrate, volutation, wag, waggle, wallop, wallow, wave, waver, welter, wiggle, wobble, wriggle, writhe, yaw