Meaning of TRICK in English

Synonyms and related words :

ability, accomplishment, ace, action, ad hoc measure, affectation, airy nothing, alibi, anchor watch, answer, antic, apology, aroma, art, artful dodge, artifice, attribute, autism, automatism, bad habit, badge, bag of tricks, bamboozle, be effective, befool, beguile, best bower, betray, bilk, bit, blind, bluff, bosey, bower, brand, bubble, cabal, cachet, cajole, cantrip, caper, cards, cast, catch, catchy, character, characteristic, cheat, cheat on, chicane, chicanery, chimera, chouse, circumvent, cloak, clubs, collusion, color, command of language, complicity, complot, con, confederacy, configuration, conjure, connivance, conspiracy, contrivance, contriving, countermove, counterplot, coup, course of action, cover, cover story, cover-up, covin, cozen, craft, creature of habit, crotchet, curve, curve-ball, custom, cut, cute trick, day shift, daydream, deceit, deceive, deception, deck, deed, deep-laid plot, defective, defraud, delude, deluded belief, delusion, demarche, dereism, design, deuce, device, diamonds, diddle, dido, differentia, differential, dirty deal, dirty trick, distinctive feature, do the trick, dodge, dogwatch, double-cross, dream, dream vision, dreamland, dreamworld, dummy, dupe, earmark, eccentricity, effort, engineering, exaggeration, excuse, expedient, expression of ideas, facade, face cards, fake out, fakement, false belief, fashion, fast deal, feat, feature, feel, feeling for words, feint, fetch, ficelle, figure, fill the bill, finagling, finesse, flavor, flimflam, flush, foible, fool, force of habit, forestall, form of speech, frame-up, fraud, frolic, front, full house, full time, gag, gambit, game, gammon, get around, gift, gimmick, gloss, googly, grace of expression, grandiloquence, graveyard shift, grift, guise, gull, gust, habit, habit pattern, habitude, half time, hallmark, hand, handle, hang, have, hearts, hoax, hocus-pocus, hoodwink, hornswaggle, horseplay, humbug, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, ignis fatuus, illusion, imposture, impress, impression, improvisation, index, individualism, inflation, insecure, intrigue, jack, jape, jig, joker, juggle, jugglery, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, keynote, kid, king, knack, knave, knavery, lame excuse, last expedient, last resort, last shift, left bower, leg-pull, legerdemain, let down, lineaments, literary style, little game, lobster trick, locus standi, machination, magic, make merry with, makeshift, maneuver, maneuvering, manipulation, manner, manner of speaking, mannerism, mark, marking, mask, means, measure, minauderie, misbelief, mischief, misconception, misguide, misinform, mislead, mock, mode, mode of expression, mold, monkeyshines, move, nature, night shift, odor, ostensible motive, outmaneuver, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, overtime, pack, pair, part time, particularity, pass, pattern, peculiar trait, peculiarity, personal style, picture cards, pigeon, pipe dream, pis aller, play one false, play pranks, play tricks, playing cards, plot, plotting, ploy, poor excuse, practical joke, practice, prank, praxis, pretense, pretension, pretext, property, protestation, public motive, put one on, put something over, put-off, quality, queen, quirk, racket, red herring, refuge, relay, resort, resource, rhetoric, rigging, rook, round, royal flush, rubber, ruff, ruse, savor, scheme, schemery, scheming, screen, scurvy trick, seal, second nature, secret, self-deceit, self-deception, self-delusion, semblance, shake-up, shaky, sham, shape, shenanigans, shift, show, singleton, singularity, skill, sleight, sleight of hand, sleight-of-hand trick, smack, smoke screen, snow, solution, spades, specialty, split schedule, split shift, spoof, sport, stalking-horse, stamp, step, stereotype, stereotyped behavior, stint, stopgap, straight, strain, stratagem, strategy, string along, stroke, stroke of policy, stunt, style, stylistic analysis, stylistics, subterfuge, suffice, sunrise watch, swindle, swing shift, tactic, taint, take, take in, tang, taste, technique, temporary expedient, the grand style, the plain style, the sublime, time, token, tomfoolery, touch, touchy, tour, tour of duty, trademark, trait, trey, trick of behavior, trickery, tricky, trip, trump, turn, turn of work, turn the trick, twist and turn, two-time, undependable, underplot, unreliable, unstable, untrustworthy, usage, use, vapor, varnish, veil, vein, victimize, waggish trick, watch, way, weakness, web of intrigue, wile, wily device, wire-pulling, wont, work, work shift, working hypothesis, working proposition, wrong impression

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