Meaning of UNFOLDING in English

Synonyms and related words :

advancing, amplification, anthesis, apocalypse, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, avatar, baring, bloom, blooming, blossom, blossoming, blow, blowing, bradytelic, coming, coming into being, coming-forth, demonstration, developing, development, dilation, disclosing, disclosure, discovering, discovery, display, efflorescence, elaboration, emergence, enactment, enlargement, epiphany, evolution, evolutional, evolutionist, evolutionistic, evolvement, evolving, exhibit, exhibition, expansion, expatiation, explication, expose, exposition, exposure, florescence, flowerage, flowering, forthcoming, full bloom, genetic, growth, horotelic, incarnation, issuance, laying bare, manifestation, materialization, materializing, maturational, maturative, maturing, occurrence, ontogenetic, opening, ostentation, patefaction, performance, phylogenetic, physiogenetic, presentation, presentment, production, progress, progressing, progression, projection, realization, removing the veil, representation, retrospective, revealing, revealment, revelation, rise, rising, show, showing, showing forth, showing up, showup, stripping, tachytelic, theophany, uncloaking, uncovering, unfoldment, unmasking, unrolling, unveiling, unwrapping, upgrowth, varnishing day, vernissage, working-out

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