Synonyms and related words :
advancing, amplification, anthesis, apocalypse, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, avatar, baring, bloom, blooming, blossom, blossoming, blow, blowing, bradytelic, coming, coming into being, coming-forth, demonstration, developing, development, dilation, disclosing, disclosure, discovering, discovery, display, efflorescence, elaboration, emergence, enactment, enlargement, epiphany, evolution, evolutional, evolutionist, evolutionistic, evolvement, evolving, exhibit, exhibition, expansion, expatiation, explication, expose, exposition, exposure, florescence, flowerage, flowering, forthcoming, full bloom, genetic, growth, horotelic, incarnation, issuance, laying bare, manifestation, materialization, materializing, maturational, maturative, maturing, occurrence, ontogenetic, opening, ostentation, patefaction, performance, phylogenetic, physiogenetic, presentation, presentment, production, progress, progressing, progression, projection, realization, removing the veil, representation, retrospective, revealing, revealment, revelation, rise, rising, show, showing, showing forth, showing up, showup, stripping, tachytelic, theophany, uncloaking, uncovering, unfoldment, unmasking, unrolling, unveiling, unwrapping, upgrowth, varnishing day, vernissage, working-out