Synonyms and related words :
air express, airfreight, airlift, asportation, bear, bear up, bearing, blast, blow, blow a hurricane, blow great guns, blow over, blow up, bluster, breath, breath of air, breeze, breeze up, brew, buoy, buoy up, capful of wind, carriage, carry, carrying, cartage, come up, conduct, convey, conveyance, drayage, expressage, ferriage, flatus, float, float high, fly, freight, freightage, freshen, gather, haulage, hauling, hold up, huff, lift, lighterage, lug, lugging, manhandle, pack, packing, pipe up, portage, porterage, puff, puff of air, puff of wind, rage, railway express, ride high, set in, shipment, shipping, squall, stir of air, storm, sustain, take, telpherage, tote, toting, transport, transportation, transshipment, truckage, upbear, uphold, uplift, upraise, waftage, wagonage, whiff, whiffet, whiffle, whisk, wing