Synonyms and related words :
admonish, advise, alarm, alert, apprehend, apprise, arouse, ask, ask for, be imminent, blackmail, bludgeon, bode, bulldoze, call for, caution, challenge, charge, claim, clamor for, comminate, counsel, croak, cry for, cry havoc, cry out against, cry wolf, daunt, demand, denounce, direct, dissuade, encourage, enjoin, exact, exhort, expostulate, extort, fly storm warnings, forebode, forewarn, frighten, frighten off, give fair warning, give notice, give warning, guide, have a premonition, have a presentiment, impose, incite, indent, induce, inform, intimidate, issue a caveat, issue an ultimatum, kid out of, levy, look black, look threatening, lower, make a demand, menace, move, notify, order, order up, persuade, place an order, portend, preach, preapprehend, prompt, put in requisition, remonstrate, require, requisition, screw, sound the alarm, sound the tocsin, startle, talk out of, tell, threaten, tip, tip off, unpersuade, urge, utter a caveat, utter threats against, warn against