▪ clearly , explicitly
▪ bluntly , firmly
The chancellor bluntly ~ed the Cabinet to cut public spending or face higher taxes.
▪ darkly , sternly
▪ softly
‘Don't,’ he ~ed softly.
▪ specifically
We were specifically ~ed against buying the house.
▪ duly
Having been duly ~ed that I would get nowhere with my application, I went right ahead and applied anyway.
▪ always , constantly , repeatedly
My mother constantly ~ed me not to go into teaching.
▪ publicly
▪ had better , have to , must , should
I must ~ you that some of these animals are extremely dangerous.
I thought I should ~ her about it.
▪ try to
I did try to ~ you.
▪ fail to
She claimed doctors had failed to ~ her of the risks involved.
▪ about
No one had ~ed us about the unbearable heat.
▪ against
We were ~ed against drinking the local water.
▪ of
The report ~s of the dangers of obesity.
They ~ed us of the risks involved.
▪ be ~ed
You will get better—but be ~ed, it may be a long process.
Warn is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ expert , ↑ report , ↑ scientist , ↑ sign , ↑ study
Warn is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ investor , ↑ voter