Synonyms and related words :
Friday, Friday the thirteenth, absurd, appointed lot, astral influences, astrology, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing, beyond belief, bizarre, blue, book of fate, cadaverous, cantrip, cast, charm, circumstance, cockamamie, constellation, corpselike, crazy, creepy, cup, curious, curse, deadly, deathlike, deathly, deathly pale, destination, destiny, dies funestis, doom, dreadful, eccentric, eerie, eldritch, end, evil eye, exorcism, extravagant, fantastic, fatality, fate, fearful, foolish, forecast, foredoom, foretelling, fortune, freaked out, freaky, funny, future, ghastly, ghostlike, ghostly, glamour, grisly, grotesque, gruesome, haggard, haunting, hex, high-flown, hoodoo, horrific, ides of March, incantational, incantatory, incredible, inevitability, inscrutable, jinx, kismet, kooky, laughable, livid, lot, ludicrous, lurid, macabre, magian, magic, magic spell, malocchio, moira, monstrous, mortuary, mysterious, necromantic, nonsensical, numinous, odd, oddball, off, off the wall, out, outlandish, outrageous, outre, pale, passing strange, peculiar, planets, poppycockish, portion, preposterous, preternatural, prevision, prognosis, prognostication, prophecy, quaint, queer, ridiculous, shaman, shamanic, shamanist, shamanistic, singular, sorcerous, spell, spookish, spooky, stars, strange, supernal, supernatural, talismanic, thaumaturgic, uncanny, unco, uncolike, uncouth, unearthly, unlucky day, unnatural, voodoo, voodooistic, wan, wanga, whammy, wheel of fortune, wild, will of Heaven, witch, witchlike, witchy, wizardlike, wizardly, wondrous strange