Meaning of LPD PRINT SRVR ;DEF in English

The access file lists the names of hosts and users you allow to use each of your LPD queues. Both the LPD Print Server and Serving FTP applications access the names you list in this file.)|LAN_WK5|LANWK_IT.WPD Access Name Setup||Configurazione dei nomi di accesso|Window where the user can authorize or remove authorization for people and hosts to access the current LPD print queue.|LAN_WK5|STREAM, 4/1/96, NL Access Restrictions||Restrizione degli accessi||LAN_WK5|STREAM, 4/1/96, NL Access Service||Servizio di acccesso||LAN_WK5|STREAM, 4/1/96, NL Access Setup||Configurazione di accesso||LAN_WK5|STREAM, 4/1/96, NL Accessories||Accessori|(def=Applications that supplement the core capabilities of the LAN WorkPlace® software and its core applications.)|LAN_WK5|LANWK_IT.WPD Active Border Color||Bordo della finestra attiva|(prog

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