Meaning of DEFICIT in English



▪ enormous , huge , large , massive , serious , substantial

▪ ballooning , exploding , growing , soaring

▪ small

▪ net , overall

▪ projected

▪ balance-of-payments , budget , current-account , federal , financial , fiscal , trade

▪ national

▪ attention , cognitive , neurological

attention ~ disorder

His teacher thought he had some sort of cognitive ~.


▪ face , have , run , show

If the government didn't run such huge ~s, the country would not have financial problems.

The trade balance shows a ~ of two million dollars.

▪ go into , move into , run up , slip into

to prevent the country from moving into ~

The company has run up a ~ of £30 000.

▪ increase , widen

▪ address , tackle

▪ cut , halve , narrow , reduce , shrink

You cannot cut a budget ~ simply by raising taxes.

▪ correct , eliminate , erase , make up , wipe out

We will find it hard to make up this ~.

▪ overcome

▪ overturn ( BrE , sports )

United are hoping to overturn a two-goal ~ from the first leg.

▪ finance , fund

The government was forced to sell state-owned companies to fund the budget ~.


▪ run at sth

a budget ~ running at 7% of GDP

▪ grow , increase , rise , widen

▪ balloon , soar

The US trade ~ ballooned to a record $167 billion.

▪ decrease , fall , narrow , shrink


▪ in ~

The UK remained in ~ with all countries outside the EU.

▪ ~ with

the US trade ~ with Japan

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .