1 prepares text, video, etc. for publication
▪ general
▪ assistant , senior
▪ commissioning ( esp. BrE )
▪ copy
▪ freelance
▪ book , film , movie ( esp. AmE ), programme/program
▪ art , fiction , medical , music , picture
2 of a newspaper/magazine
▪ chief , executive ( esp. AmE ), managing , top ( esp. AmE )
▪ deputy
▪ assistant , associate
▪ contributing ( esp. AmE )
▪ consulting ( AmE )
▪ joint ( esp. BrE )
▪ founding
▪ guest
▪ journal , magazine , newsletter , newspaper , tabloid ( esp. BrE )
▪ editorial page ( AmE ), features , news , op-ed ( AmE ), review
Russell did a terrific job as book review ~.
▪ photo , picture
▪ specialist
▪ City ( BrE ), economics , fashion , financial , foreign , literary , medical , political , sports , technical , travel
On page 12, our economics ~ comments on the takeover bid.
▪ online
▪ a letter to the ~