/ ˈedɪtə(r); NAmE / noun
a person who is in charge of a newspaper, magazine, etc., or part of one, and who decides what should be included :
the editor of the Washington Post
the sports / financial / fashion, etc. editor
a person who prepares a book to be published, for example by checking and correcting the text, making improvements, etc.
—see also copy editor , subeditor
a person who prepares a film / movie, radio or television programme for being shown or broadcast by deciding what to include, and what order it should be in
a person who works as a journalist for radio or television reporting on a particular area of news :
our economics editor
a person who chooses texts written by one or by several writers and prepares them to be published in a book :
She's the editor of a new collection of ghost stories.
( computing ) a program that allows you to change stored text or data
► edit·or·ship noun [ U ]:
the editorship of 'The Times'
mid 17th cent.: from Latin , producer (of games), publisher , from edit- produced, put out, from the verb edere .