▪ delicious , excellent , good , great , superb , tasty , wonderful
▪ favourite/favorite
▪ decent
▪ real
▪ adequate , enough , sufficient
Everyone has the right to adequate ~ and clean water.
▪ ample
▪ basic , everyday , staple
lower fat alternatives to everyday ~s
Retail prices of staple ~s remain unchanged.
▪ traditional
▪ plain , simple
▪ exotic , speciality ( BrE ), specialty ( AmE )
▪ fine , gourmet , quality
Our restaurant serves the finest ~.
▪ cheap
▪ bad , poor , unhealthy
▪ healthful ( esp. AmE ), healthy , nourishing , nutritious , proper , the right , wholesome
Healthy ~ can and should be delicious
Lack of proper ~ led to much illness among seamen.
It's is important to get plenty of exercise and to eat the right ~s.
▪ diet , health
Essential oils can be bought from most good health ~ stores
▪ rabbit ( informal , disapproving )
My father preferred to eat meat and hated rabbit ~ (= salad vegetables) .
▪ fast , junk , snack
▪ carry-out ( AmE ), takeaway ( BrE ), takeout ( AmE )
▪ hot
▪ cold
▪ raw , uncooked
▪ leftover
▪ rotten
▪ fresh
▪ natural
▪ whole (usually wholefood )
▪ organic
▪ frozen
▪ dry
▪ canned , tinned ( BrE )
▪ processed
▪ convenience
▪ fatty , fried , high-fat , starchy , stodgy ( esp. BrE )
She is trying to cut down on fatty ~s.
▪ high-calorie , rich
Avoid rich ~s like pastries.
▪ sugary , sweet
▪ savoury/savory ( esp. BrE ), spicy
▪ Chinese , Indian , Mexican , etc.
▪ vegetarian
▪ dairy
▪ genetically engineered , genetically modified (abbreviated to GM )
Campaigners are challenging the safety of genetically modified ~s.
▪ animal , plant , vegetable (= food that comes from animals/plants)
Omnivores are able to eat animal or vegetable ~.
▪ solid
The baby refuses to swallow any solid ~.
▪ baby
▪ cat , dog , fish , pet
▪ animal , plant (= food for animals/plants)
▪ diner ( AmE ), hospital , party , prison , pub ( BrE ), restaurant
▪ imported
▪ comfort
Ice cream is my comfort ~ of choice ( = food that makes me feel happier ).
▪ plate , portion
▪ morsel , scrap
They moved from town to town begging scraps of ~.
▪ consume , eat , have
the amount of ~ that an average family consumes in a week
You should eat more fresh ~s.
She had had no ~ for two days.
▪ enjoy , like , love
He obviously enjoys good ~.
▪ live on
people who live on junk ~
▪ be off , go off ( BrE )
The dog is off its ~.
▪ avoid , cut back on ( esp. AmE ), cut down on ( esp. BrE ), cut out
▪ be short of , go short of , run short of
The city was under siege and began to run short of ~.
▪ be without , go without , live without , survive without
We had been days without ~.
▪ offer (sb)
Fast-food companies are starting to offer their customers healthier ~.
▪ give sb , provide (sb with) , serve (sb) , supply (sb with)
a restaurant that serves good healthy ~
Thanks to international aid, the town had been supplied with ~ for nine months.
▪ feed sb/sth , feed sb/sth on
He always fed Whiskers the best cat ~.
She fed her baby on wholesome ~.
▪ handle
Always take great care when handling ~.
▪ cook , do , make , prepare
A lot of people can't be bothered to cook good ~.
Who's doing the ~ for the party?
▪ smell , taste
Taste the ~ and tell me what you think.
▪ cut , cut up
Please cut up the ~ for your baby sister.
▪ pick at
He had lost his appetite and picked at his ~.
▪ play with
Stop playing with your ~ like a baby!
▪ chew
▪ swallow
▪ gulp , gulp down
She told the kids not to gulp down their ~.
▪ digest
▪ order
They sat down at the restaurant table and immediately ordered their ~.
▪ grow , produce
Farmers are not producing enough ~ for the country's growing population.
▪ import
▪ buy , sell
▪ beg , beg for , hunt for , look for , scavenge for , search for
They slept in the open and begged (for) ~ from farmers.
The male eagle hunts for ~.
▪ find
Most mammals use their sense of smell to find ~.
▪ keep , store
Keep ~ fresher for longer with our new sealable containers.
Bears store ~ for the winter.
▪ contaminate
▪ put out
He put out ~ for the birds.
▪ share
▪ smell , taste
Does the ~ taste good?
▪ be in short supply , be short
Food is short here, and people go hungry.
▪ run out
▪ arrive , come
When their ~ arrived they ate in silence.
▪ contain
Try to eat a variety of ~s that contain protein.
▪ resource , source , supply
Fruit is an important ~ source for bats.
The fish market is a ready ~ supply for seabirds.
▪ supplies
The UN has been issuing emergency ~ supplies to the refugees.
▪ stuff (usually foodstuff )
Many basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk, are tax-free.
▪ crop , plant
basic ~ crops such as beans and corn
▪ group
▪ item , product
The labels on ~ products give information about their nutritional content.
▪ consumption , intake
His doctor warned him to reduce his daily ~ intake.
▪ quality
▪ preparation
▪ hygiene ( esp. BrE ), safety , security
▪ scare ( esp. BrE )
There has been a ~ scare over salmonella in eggs.
▪ allergy
▪ distribution
▪ crisis , shortage
▪ rationing , rations
▪ stamp ( AmE )
▪ industry , market , service
We intend to increase our share of the ~ market.
▪ manufacturing , production , system
▪ company , manufacturer , producer
▪ court ( AmE ), market , outlet , retailer , shop , store , supplier
the ~ court at the shopping mall
Britain's first organic ~ market
a fast ~ outlet
▪ prices
▪ bill
I am trying to cut my weekly ~ bill by one third.
▪ policy , programme/program
US ~ policy
▪ poisoning
▪ additives
▪ colouring/coloring
▪ label
▪ processor
Blend the egg yolks, lemon juice and herbs in a ~ processor.
▪ chain , web
Plankton is at the bottom of the marine ~ chain.
▪ for ~
animals that are killed for ~
▪ without ~
After three days without ~, the men were close to starvation.
▪ ~ and drink ( BrE ), ~ and drinks ( AmE )
Gina had prepared ~ and drink/drinks for the party.
▪ ~ and water
Food and water were running out.
▪ ~ and wine
The Dordogne region is famous for its ~ and wine.
▪ a smell of ~
There was a smell of ~ from the kitchen
▪ a supply of ~
The ocean provides the people with an endless supply of ~.
▪ the taste of ~
the characteristic taste of our ~