▪ backward , sidelong , sideways
She cast a sidelong ~ at Fern.
▪ brief , cursory , fleeting , quick , swift
After a cursory ~ at the report he frowned.
▪ casual
▪ covert , furtive , nervous , surreptitious
The man walked slowly along, casting furtive ~s behind him.
▪ accusing , angry , baleful , disapproving , reproachful , scornful , sharp , suspicious , withering
Meena threw him an angry ~.
▪ curious , puzzled , questioning , quizzical
▪ admiring , approving
▪ knowing
▪ meaningful
The couple exchanged meaningful ~s but said nothing.
▪ amused , wry
▪ anxious , nervous , worried
▪ cast (sb) , dart , give (sb/sth) , have , shoot (sb) , steal , take , throw (sb)
He gave her a mocking ~.
I had a quick ~ at the article, but I haven't read it yet.
He stole a sidelong ~ at the young woman sitting next to him on the train.
She took one last ~ in the mirror and then left.
▪ exchange
They exchanged knowing ~s.
▪ catch
I caught the teacher's ~ and nearly burst into nervous laughter.
▪ attract , draw
Their car attracted admiring ~s wherever they went.
▪ move
Her ~ flickered briefly across to the group standing at the other side of the street.
▪ meet
Their ~s met, then they both looked away.
▪ fall on sb/sth , rest on sb/sth
His ~ fell on a pile of papers at one side of the desk.
▪ at a ~
The software allows you to see at a ~ what fonts you have on the computer.
▪ with a ~
With a quick ~ at the time, she stood up and prepared to leave.
▪ without a ~
He left without a backward ~.
▪ ~ at
A ~ at my watch told me it was already past six o'clock.
▪ ~ of
He ignored my ~ of disapproval.
▪ ~ over
He kept throwing nervous ~s over his shoulder.
▪ at first ~
At first ~ the contract seemed to be fine.
▪ briefly , quickly , sharply
Norton ~d sharply at him.
▪ anxiously , fearfully , nervously
She ~d nervously over her shoulder.
▪ curiously
He ~d curiously around him.
▪ covertly
He ~d covertly at his watch.
▪ barely , hardly
She barely ~d at him.
▪ down , up
She ~d up at him.
▪ pause to , turn to
He turned to ~ in our direction.
▪ happen to
At that moment she happened to ~ up.
▪ about ( esp. BrE ), around , round ( esp. BrE )
She ~d around the room.
▪ across , over
She ~d across to where the others were standing chatting.
▪ at
She ~d briefly at his lapel badge.
▪ towards/toward
He ~d towards/toward the kitchen.
Glance is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ eye