phr verb
Respond to is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ patient
Respond to is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ ad , ↑ advert , ↑ advertisement , ↑ call , ↑ challenge , ↑ complaint , ↑ crisis , ↑ critic , ↑ criticism , ↑ demand , ↑ emergency , ↑ enquiry , ↑ greeting , ↑ letter , ↑ need , ↑ overture , ↑ pressure , ↑ provocation , ↑ query , ↑ question , ↑ questionnaire , ↑ request , ↑ signal , ↑ situation , ↑ stimulation , ↑ stimulus , ↑ summons , ↑ survey , ↑ treatment