/ ɪkˈsplɪsɪt; NAmE / adjective
( of a statement or piece of writing ) clear and easy to understand :
He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there.
( of a person ) saying sth clearly, exactly and openly
SYN frank :
She was quite explicit about why she had left.
said, done or shown in an open or direct way, so that you have no doubt about what is happening :
The reasons for the decision should be made explicit.
She made some very explicit references to my personal life.
a sexually explicit film
—compare implicit
► ex·pli·cit·ly adverb :
The report states explicitly that the system was to blame.
—compare implicitly
► ex·pli·cit·ness noun [ U ]:
He didn't like the degree of sexual explicitness in the film.
early 17th cent. (as an adjective): from French explicite or Latin explicitus , past participle of explicare unfold, from ex- out + plicare to fold.