adjective , verb
■ adjective / ˈprɒstreɪt; NAmE ˈprɑːs-/ ( formal )
lying on the ground and facing downwards :
They fell prostrate in worship.
He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.
prostrate (with sth) so shocked, upset, etc. that you cannot do anything :
She was prostrate with grief after her son's death.
■ verb / prɒˈstreɪt; NAmE ˈprɑːstreɪt/ [ vn ]
prostrate yourself to lie on your front with your face looking downwards, especially as an act of worship
[ usually passive ] to make sb feel weak, shocked, and unable to do anything
SYN overcome :
He was expecting to find her prostrated by the tragedy.
For months he was prostrated with grief .
Middle English : from Latin prostratus thrown down, past participle of prosternere , from pro- before + sternere lay flat.