n. 1 volume, content, size, dimensions; room, space What is the capacity of this bottle in litres? The car is of sufficient capacity to hold only four adults 2 potential, ability, capability, competence, intelligence, wit, brain(s), talent, aptitude, acumen, understanding, sense, judgement, perspicacity, perceptiveness, perception, mother wit, intellect, genius, skill, gift, faculty, power, potential, Colloq chiefly US right stuff, the goods They don't yet have the capacity to absorb advanced theory 3 position, condition, character, place, post, role, job, office, duty, responsibility, province, sphere, function; Law competency, qualification She has every right to sign cheques in her capacity as director
Meaning of CAPACITY in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012