adj. 1 foul, unclean, befouled, soiled, begrimed, sooty, grimy, filthy, mucky, besmeared, besmirched, befouled, polluted, squalid, sullied, stained, spotted, smudged, slovenly, unwashed, bedraggled, slatternly, untidy, Slang Brit gungy, US grungy If you think his shirt was dirty, you should have seen his body! 2 smutty, indecent, obscene, ribald, off colour, prurient, risqué, salacious, lewd, lascivious, salacious, pornographic, coarse, licentious, rude, blue, scabrous His parents were shocked to hear him telling dirty jokes 3 unfair, unscrupulous, unsporting, dishonest, mean, underhand(ed), unsportsmanlike, dishonourable, deceitful, corrupt, treacherous, perfidious, villainous, disloyal; malicious, malevolent, rotten, filthy It was a dirty trick of Sue's to tell the teacher 4 bad, foul, nasty, stormy, rainy, windy, blowy, blowing, squally, sloppy We're in for some dirty weather, Mr Christian, so you'd best reduce sail 5 bitter, resentful, angry, furious, wrathful, smouldering She gave me a dirty look when I said anything about her sister 6 sordid, base, mean, despicable, contemptible, ignoble, scurvy, low, low-down, ignominious, vile, nasty, infamous That villain has done his dirty work and now we must all suffer He's nothing but a dirty coward!
v. 7 stain, sully, befoul, soil, begrime, besmirch, pollute, muddy, smear, defile; blacken, tarnish She refused to so much as dirty her hands to help us Are you afraid it will dirty your reputation to be seen with me?