Meaning of JUDGE in English

n. 1 justice, magistrate, jurist, Isle of Man deemster or dempster, Slang Brit beak The judge demanded order in the court 2 arbitrator, arbiter, umpire, referee, adjudicator, judicator, mediator, moderator She served as a judge at Crufts dog show last year 3 connoisseur, expert, authority, arbiter, appraiser, evaluator, reviewer, critic, arbiter elegantiarum or elegantiae Let me be the judge of which work I do best

v. 4 adjudicate, adjudge, arbitrate, decide, find, conclude, settle, determine, decree, pass judgement, deem, rule, pronounce or pass sentence Do you think the jury will judge in Claus's favour? 5 assess, evaluate, appraise, estimate, rate, value, weigh, measure, review, consider, size up, appreciate A ballistics expert is required to judge this evidence 6 referee, umpire, mediate, moderate, arbitrate Mr Farnsworth agreed to judge the essay competition 7 believe, suspect, think, consider, suppose, guess, conjecture, surmise, conclude, infer Palaeontologists judge the age of the specimens to be 400 million years

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