v. 1 recline, stretch out, be prostrate or recumbent or prone or supine I'm going to lie down for a nap before dinner 2 rest, repose; can be found, be, be situated The book is lying on the table The land lies on the Berkshire-Surrey border. 3 rest, repose, be, reside, dwell, abide, remain, belong The responsibility lies with you 4 press, burden, weigh, rest, be The onus for the crime lies heavily on him 5 lie low. hide, remain concealed or in hiding, keep out of sight, Colloq Brit lie doggo You'd better lie low till the affair is forgotten
n. 6 lie of the land. state, status, condition, situation, atmosphere, mood, spirit, temper, character You ought to determine the lie of the land before submitting your proposal