v. 1 speak or write about, refer to, allude to, touch on or upon, make mention (of), bring up or in, introduce, broach, call or direct attention to, note, name, cite, acknowledge; point out, indicate, make known, adduce, report, quote Sergeant Payne was mentioned in dispatches from the front He mentions the works of Conrad in support of his thesis. 2 divulge, reveal, intimate, disclose, impart, suggest, animadvert on or upon, hint (at), imply, insinuate Did he mention that Liz was present?
n. 3 reference, allusion, note, naming, citation, mentioning, Colloq cite There was a mention of you in the newspaper today 4 recognition, tribute, acknowledgement, kudos, praise She won no prize but came in for an honourable mention 5 announcement, reference, referral, remark The speaker's mention of the conference reminded me of something