n. 1 saucepan, frying-pan, skillet, pot, casserole, US spider Melt a teaspoonful of butter in the pan, add the mixture, and stir briskly over a medium heat 2 face, visage, mien, façade, Slang kisser, mug, puss The worst part of Alf's not working is that I have to look at his ugly pan all day 3 depression, indentation, concavity, cavity, hollow, pit, hole, crater In a rain-shower, the pans fill with water and the desert blooms
v. 4 wash, separate, sift For years prospectors have panned for gold in these hills 5 criticize, censure, find fault, put down, reject, flay, excoriate, Brit hammer, Colloq knock, roast, slate, Slang Brit rubbish, US trash The critics panned the play and it closed after a week 6 pan out. succeed, thrive, prosper, flourish, fare well, make it; work out, turn out, result, come out, end (up), conclude, culminate, eventuate: Your grandiose plans for irrigating the Sahara didn't pan out, either! How did the election pan out?