n. 1 promise, oath, vow, word (of honour), covenant, assurance, guaranty, guarantee, warrant, warranty They have our solemn pledge that we will return within the hour 2 bail, surety, collateral, security, deposit, earnest (money), pawn, gage, bond, guaranty, guarantee They wanted something besides my signature as a pledge for the money 3 toast, tribute, cheer, health They drank a pledge to the success of the voyage
v. 4 swear, vow, promise, give one's word (of honour), contract, undertake, agree, vouch, vouchsafe I pledge allegiance to the nation 5 deposit, pawn, mortgage, Archaic gage, Colloq US and Canadian hock He pledged his gold watch to pay for her birthday present 6 toast, drink (to), drink (someone's) health Drink to me only with thine eyes And I will pledge with mine