n. 1 record, roll, roster, rota, catalogue, annal(s), archive(s), journal, daybook, diary, appointment book, calendar, chronicle, schedule, programme, directory, ledger, file, index, inventory, list, listing, poll, tally, The council holds a register of all houses sold since 1900 with the names of both sellers and buyers 2 cash register, till, money box, cash-box The money in the register does not agree with the figures for receipts
v. 3 record, write or jot or take or put or set down, list, enrol, sign in or on or up, enter, catalogue, log, index, chronicle, note, make or take note (of) All transactions must be registered 4 show, display, express, indicate, manifest, reveal, betray, divulge, record, reflect James pretended to like my book, but his contempt for it was registered on his face 5 make known, inform of, advise, transmit, communicate, record, note, make note of, report, write down, minute I wish to register my disapproval of the way prisoners are treated here 6 check in, sign in or on, log in In the US, all aliens are required to register each year in January We registered in the hotel as man and wife. 7 Sometimes, register with or on. sink in, impress, become apparent (to), make an impression (on), come home (to), get through (to); dawn on or upon, occur to I heard what you said, but it just didn't register The name didn't register with me at first, but I now know who you are. 8 indicate, read, mark, represent, measure, point to, specify, exhibit, show, manifest The earthquake registered 7 on the Richter scale