n. 1 goad, prod, urging, impulse, incitement, instigation, prompting, pressure, stimulus, stimulation, incentive, provocation, inducement, encouragement, motive, motivation The company paid the workers a bonus for each piece they completed as a spur to productivity 2 projection, prong, spike, spine, gaff, barb, quill, tine, barbel, barbule, process The hook has a spur that prevents the fish from disengaging 3 on the spur of the moment. impetuously, impulsively, unthinkingly, unpremeditatedly, impromptu, on the spot; rashly, thoughtlessly, recklessly, hastily, brashly, incautiously, unexpectedly, suddenly On the spur of the moment, we decided to fly to Cap d'Antibes for the weekend
v. 4 goad, prod, urge, egg on, impel, incite, prompt, press, push, pressure or Brit pressurize, stimulate, drive, provoke, induce, encourage, motivate, excite, animate The sales force are spurred on by the huge bonuses the company offers