Meaning of CLICK in English

n. & v.


1. a slight sharp sound as of a switch being operated.

2 a sharp non-vocal suction, used as a speech-sound in some languages.

3 a catch in machinery acting with a slight sharp sound.

4 (of a horse) an action causing a hind foot to touch the shoe of a fore foot.


1. a intr. make a click. b tr. cause (one's tongue, heels, etc.) to click.

2 intr. colloq. a become clear or understandable (often prec. by it as subject : when I saw them it all clicked). b be successful, secure one's object. c (foll. by with) become friendly, esp. with a person of the opposite sex. d come to an agreement.

Phrases and idioms:

click beetle any of a family of beetles (Elateridae) that make a click in recovering from being overturned.


clicker n.

Etymology: imit.: cf. Du. klikken, F cliquer

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.