1. v. & n.
1. tr. seize eagerly; grasp tightly.
2 intr. (foll. by at) snatch suddenly.
1. a a tight grasp. b (foll. by at) grasping.
2 (in pl.) grasping hands, esp. as representing a cruel or relentless grasp or control.
3 a (in a motor vehicle) a device for connecting and disconnecting the engine to the transmission. b the pedal operating this. c an arrangement for connecting or disconnecting working parts of a machine.
Phrases and idioms:
clutch bag a slim flat handbag without handles.
Etymology: ME clucche, clicche f. OE clyccan crook, clench, f. Gmc 2. n.1 a set of eggs for hatching.
2 a brood of chickens.
Etymology: 18th c.: prob. S.Engl. var. of cletch f. cleck to hatch f. ON klekja, assoc. with CLUTCH(1)