n. & v.
1. a a remark, esp. critical; an opinion (passed a comment on her hat). b commenting; criticism (his behaviour aroused much comment; an hour of news and comment).
2 a an explanatory note (e.g. on a written text). b written criticism or explanation (e.g. of a text).
3 (of a play, book, etc.) a critical illustration; a parable (his art is a comment on society).
1. (often foll. by on, upon, or that + clause) make (esp. critical) remarks (commented on her choice of friends).
2 (often foll. by on, upon) write explanatory notes.
Phrases and idioms:
no comment colloq. I decline to answer your question.
commenter n.
Etymology: ME f. L commentum contrivance (in LL also interpretation), neut. past part. of comminisci devise, or F commenter (v.)