Meaning of CON in English

1. n. & v. sl.

--n. a confidence trick. (conned, conning) swindle; deceive (conned him into thinking he had won).

Phrases and idioms:

con man confidence man.

Etymology: abbr. 2. n., prep., & adv.

--n. (usu. in pl.) a reason against.

--prep. & adv. against (cf. pro(2)).

Etymology: L contra against 3. n. sl. a convict.

Etymology: abbr. 4. (US conn) (conned, conning) Naut. direct the steering of (a ship).

Etymology: app. weakened form of obs. cond, condie, f. F conduire f. L conducere conduct 5. (conned, conning) archaic (often foll. by over) study, learn by heart (conned his part well).

Etymology: ME cunn-, con, forms of can(1)

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