1. tr. & intr. lengthen or make larger in space or time.
2 tr. stretch or lay out at full length.
3 intr. & tr. (foll. by to, over) reach or be or make continuous over a certain area.
4 intr. (foll. by to) have a certain scope (the permit does not extend to camping).
5 tr. offer or accord (an invitation, hospitality, kindness, etc.).
6 tr. (usu. refl. or in passive) tax the powers of (an athlete, horse, etc.) to the utmost.
Phrases and idioms:
extended family a family including relatives living near. extended-play (of a gramophone record) playing for longer than most singles, usu. at 45 r.p.m.
extendable adj. extendability n. extendible adj. extendibility n. extensible adj. extensibility n.
Etymology: ME f. L extendere extens- or extent- stretch out (as EX-(1), tendere stretch)