1. v.tr. (past and past part. girded or girt) literary 1 encircle, attach, or secure with a belt or band.
2 secure (clothes) on the body with a girdle or belt.
3 enclose or encircle.
4 a (foll. by with) equip with a sword in a belt. b fasten (a sword) with a belt.
5 (foll. by round) place (cord etc.) round.
Phrases and idioms:
gird (or gird up) one's loins prepare for action.
Etymology: OE gyrdan f. Gmc (as GIRTH) 2. v. & n.
--v.intr. (foll. by at) jeer or gibe.
--n. a gibe or taunt.
Etymology: ME, strike etc.: orig. unkn.