1. n. & v.
1. any of several types of foot-operated levers or controls for mechanisms, esp.: a either of a pair of levers for transmitting power to a bicycle or tricycle wheel etc. b any of the foot-operated controls in a motor vehicle. c any of the foot-operated keys of an organ used for playing notes, or for drawing out several stops at once etc. d each of the foot-levers on a piano etc. for making the tone fuller or softer. e each of the foot-levers on a harp for altering the pitch of the strings.
2 a note sustained in one part, usu. the bass, through successive harmonies, some of which are independent of it.
--v. (pedalled, pedalling; US pedaled, pedaling)
1. intr. operate a cycle, organ, etc. by using the pedals.
2 tr. work (a bicycle etc.) with the pedals.
Phrases and idioms:
pedal cycle a bicycle.
Etymology: F p{eacute}dale f. It. pedale f. L (as PEDAL(2)) 2. adj. Zool. of the foot or feet (esp. of a mollusc).
Etymology: L pedalis f. pes pedis foot