Meaning of SMUDGE in English

1. n. & v.


1. a blurred or smeared line or mark; a blot; a smear of dirt.

2 a stain or blot on a person's character etc.


1. tr. make a smudge on.

2 intr. become smeared or blurred (smudges easily).

3 tr. smear or blur the lines of (writing, drawing, etc.) (smudge the outline).

4 tr. defile, sully, stain, or disgrace (a person's name, character, etc.).


smudgeless adj.

Etymology: ME: orig. unkn. 2. n. US an outdoor fire with dense smoke made to keep off insects, protect plants against frost, etc.

Phrases and idioms:

smudge-pot a container holding burning material that produces a smudge.

Etymology: smudge (v.) cure (herring) by smoking (16th c.: orig. unkn.)

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.