1. n. & v.
--n. the charred part of a candle-wick.
--v.tr. trim the snuff from (a candle).
Phrases and idioms:
snuff it Brit. sl. die. snuff out
1. extinguish by snuffing.
2 kill; put an end to.
Etymology: ME snoffe, snuffe: orig. unkn. 2. n. & v.
--n. powdered tobacco or medicine taken by sniffing it up the nostrils.
--v.intr. take snuff.
Phrases and idioms:
snuff-coloured dark yellowish-brown. up to snuff colloq.
1. Brit. knowing; not easily deceived.
2 up to standard.
Etymology: Du. snuf (tabak tobacco) f. MDu. snuffen snuffle