1. v.tr. (past sowed; past part. sown or sowed)
1. (also absol.) a scatter (seed) on or in the earth. b (often foll. by with) plant (a field etc.) with seed.
2 initiate; arouse (sowed doubt in her mind).
3 (foll. by with) cover thickly with.
Phrases and idioms:
sow the seed (or seeds) of first give rise to; implant (an idea etc.).
sower n. sowing n.
Etymology: OE sawan f. Gmc 2. n.1 a a female adult pig, esp. after farrowing. b a female guinea-pig. c the female of some other species.
2 a the main trough through which molten iron runs into side-channels to form pigs. b a large block of iron so formed.
3 (in full sow bug) esp. US a woodlouse.
Etymology: OE sugu