adj., n., & v.
1. a not required for ordinary use; extra (have no spare cash; spare time). b reserved for emergency or occasional use (slept in the spare room).
2 lean; thin.
3 scanty; frugal; not copious (a spare diet; a spare prose style).
4 colloq. not wanted or used by others (a spare seat in the front row).
1. Brit. a spare part; a duplicate.
2 Bowling the knocking-down of all the pins with the first two balls.
1. tr. afford to give or do without; dispense with (cannot spare him just now; can spare you a couple).
2 tr. a abstain from killing, hurting, wounding, etc. (spared his feelings; spared her life). b abstain from inflicting or causing; relieve from (spare me this talk; spare my blushes).
3 tr. be frugal or grudging of (no expense spared).
4 intr. archaic be frugal.
Phrases and idioms:
go spare colloq.
1. Brit. become extremely angry or distraught.
2 be unwanted by others. not spare oneself exert one's utmost efforts. spare part a duplicate part to replace a lost or damaged part of a machine etc.
spare tyre
1. an extra tyre carried in a motor vehicle for emergencies.
2 Brit. colloq. a roll of fat round the waist. to spare left over; additional (an hour to spare).
sparely adv. spareness n. sparer n.
Etymology: OE sp{aelig}r, sparian f. Gmc