1. v. & n.
1. tr. & intr. cook by long simmering in a closed vessel with liquid.
2 intr. colloq. be oppressed by heat or humidity, esp. in a confined space.
3 intr. colloq. a suffer prolonged embarrassment, anxiety, etc. b (foll. by over) fret or be anxious.
4 tr. make (tea) bitter or strong with prolonged brewing.
5 tr. (as stewed adj.) colloq. drunk.
6 intr. (often foll. by over) colloq. study hard.
1. a dish of stewed meat etc.
2 colloq. an agitated or angry state (be in a stew).
3 archaic a a hot bath. b (in pl.) a brothel.
Phrases and idioms:
stew in one's own juice be left to suffer the consequences of one's own actions.
Etymology: ME f. OF estuve, estuver prob. ult. f. EX-(1) + Gk tuphos smoke, steam 2. n. Brit.
1. an artificial oyster-bed.
2 a pond or large tank for keeping fish for eating.
Etymology: ME f. F estui f. estoier confine ult. f. L studium: see STUDY