n. & v.
1. an unexpected or astonishing event or circumstance.
2 the emotion caused by this.
3 the act of catching a person etc. unawares, or the process of being caught unawares.
4 (attrib.) unexpected; made or done etc. without warning (a surprise visit).
1. affect with surprise; turn out contrary to the expectations of (your answer surprised me; I surprised her by arriving early).
2 (usu. in passive; foll. by at) shock, scandalize (I am surprised at you).
3 capture or attack by surprise.
4 come upon (a person) unawares (surprised him taking a biscuit).
5 (foll. by into) startle (a person) by surprise into an action etc. (surprised them into consenting).
Phrases and idioms:
take by surprise affect with surprise, esp. by an unexpected encounter or statement.
surprisedly adv. surprising adj. surprisingly adv. surprisingness n.
Etymology: OF, fem. past part. of surprendre (as SUR-(1), prendre f. L praehendere seize)