1. n. & v.
1. a an enclosure or device, often baited, for catching animals, usu. by affording a way in but not a way out. b a device with bait for killing vermin, esp. MOUSETRAP.
2 a trick betraying a person into speech or an act (is this question a trap?).
3 an arrangement to catch an unsuspecting person, e.g. a speeding motorist.
4 a device for hurling an object such as a clay pigeon into the air to be shot at.
5 a compartment from which a greyhound is released at the start of a race.
6 a shoe-shaped wooden device with a pivoted bar that sends a ball from its heel into the air on being struck at the other end with a bat.
7 a a curve in a downpipe etc. that fills with liquid and forms a seal against the upward passage of gases. b a device for preventing the passage of steam etc.
8 Golf a bunker.
9 a device allowing pigeons to enter but not leave a loft.
10 a two-wheeled carriage (a pony and trap).
12 sl. the mouth (esp. shut one's trap).
13 (esp. in pl.) colloq. a percussion instrument esp. in a jazz band.
--v.tr. (trapped, trapping)
1. catch (an animal) in a trap.
2 catch or catch out (a person) by means of a trick, plan, etc.
3 stop and retain in or as in a trap.
4 provide (a place) with traps.
Phrases and idioms:
trap-ball a game played with a trap (see sense 6 of n.). trap-shooter a person who practises trap-shooting. trap-shooting the sport of shooting at objects released from a trap.
traplike adj.
Etymology: OE treppe, tr{aelig}ppe, rel. to MDu. trappe, med.L trappa, of uncert. orig. 2. v.tr. (trapped, trapping) (often foll. by out)
1. provide with trappings.
2 adorn.
Etymology: obs. trap (n.): ME f. OF drap: see DRAPE 3. n. (in full trap-rock) any dark-coloured igneous rock, fine-grained and columnar in structure, esp. basalt.
Etymology: Sw. trapp f. trappa stair, f. the often stairlike appearance of its outcroppings