Meaning of TRAP in English

noun the game of trapball.

2. trap ·noun a wagon, or other vehicle.

3. trap ·noun a kind of movable stepladder.

4. trap ·adj of or pertaining to trap rock; as, a trap dike.

5. trap ·vt to catch in a trap or traps; as, to trap foxes.

6. trap ·vt fig.: to insnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap.

7. trap ·vi to set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game; as, to trap for beaver.

8. trap ·vt to provide with a trap; as, to trap a drain; to trap a sewer pipe. ·see 4th trap, 5.

9. trap ·noun fig.: a snare; an ambush; a stratagem; any device by which one may be caught unawares.

10. trap ·vt to dress with ornaments; to adorn;

— said especially of horses.

11. trap ·noun a place in a water pipe, pump, ·etc., where air accumulates for want of an outlet.

12. trap ·noun a machine or contrivance that shuts suddenly, as with a spring, used for taking game or other animals; as, a trap for foxes.

13. trap ·noun a bend, sag, or partitioned chamber, in a drain, soil pipe, sewer, ·etc., arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents passage of air or gas, but permits the flow of liquids.

14. trap ·noun an old term rather loosely used to designate various dark-colored, heavy igneous rocks, including especially the feldspathic-augitic rocks, basalt, dolerite, amygdaloid, ·etc., but including also some kinds of diorite. called also trap rock.

15. trap ·noun a wooden instrument shaped somewhat like a shoe, used in the game of trapball. it consists of a pivoted arm on one end of which is placed the ball to be thrown into the air by striking the other end. also, a machine for throwing into the air glass balls, clay pigeons, ·etc., to be shot at.

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