pron. (obj. whom or colloq. who; poss. whose)
1. a what or which person or persons? (who called?; you know who it was; whom or who did you see?).
In the last example whom is correct but who is common in less formal contexts. b what sort of person or persons? (who am I to object?).
2 (a person) that (anyone who wishes can come; the woman whom you met; the man who you saw).
In the last two examples whom is correct but who is common in less formal contexts.
3 and or but he, she, they, etc. (gave it to Tom, who sold it to Jim).
4 archaic the or any person or persons that (whom the gods love die young).
Phrases and idioms:
as who should say like a person who said; as though one said. who-does-what (of a dispute etc.) about which group of workers should do a particular job. who goes there? see GO(1). who's who
1. who or what each person is (know who's who).
2 a list or directory with facts about notable persons.
Etymology: OE hwa f. Gmc: whom f. OE dative hwam, hw{aelig}m: WHO - abbr. World Health Organization. whose f. genit. hw{aelig}s;