v. & n.
--v.tr. (wrapped, wrapping)
1. (often foll. by up) envelop in folded or soft encircling material (wrap it up in paper; wrap up a parcel).
2 (foll. by round, about) arrange or draw (a pliant covering) round (a person) (wrapped the scarf closer around me).
3 (foll. by round) sl. crash (a vehicle) into a stationary object.
1. a shawl or scarf or other such addition to clothing; a wrapper.
2 esp. US material used for wrapping.
Phrases and idioms:
take the wraps off disclose. under wraps in secrecy. wrap-over adj. (attrib.) (of a garment) having no seam at one side but wrapped around the body and fastened.
--n. such a garment. wrapped up in engrossed or absorbed in. wrap up 1 finish off, bring to completion (wrapped up the deal in two days).
2 put on warm clothes (mind you wrap up well).
3 (in imper.) sl. be quiet.
Etymology: ME: orig. unkn.