n 1. feces. ("There is shit on the floor.") 2. objects. ("Who left their shit in my car?") 3. complaints, criticism. ("I've been getting a lot of shit from my landlord.") 4. drugs. Always preceded by "the" in this usage. ("Do you have the shit?") -v 1. to lie to. ("That watch is yours? You're shitting me!") 2. to defecate. ("I need to shit.") -adj 1. bad or of poor quality. ("This music is just shit.") 2. very good, excellent; COOL. Always preceded by "the" in this usage. ("I loved that movie! It was the shit.") Note: though the word "shit" seems ambiguous, it is always preceded by "the" when used in the complimentary sense. -exclamation 1. used to convey surprise or alarm. ("Shit!" "Oh shit!") 2. Shit is sometimes pronounced, "shiznit." See also no shit. Submitted by Russell Thompson, Austin, TX, USA, 05-11-1997. feces things criticism drugs lie defecate displeasing uncool exclamations (list of) cool
Meaning of SHIT in English
Slang English vocab. Английский сленговый словарь. 2012