Meaning of SHIT in English

/shit/ , n. , v. , shit or shat, shitting , interj. Vulgar.


1. excrement; feces.

2. an act of defecating; evacuation.

3. the shits . diarrhea.

4. Slang. pretense, lies, exaggeration, or nonsense.

5. Slang. something inferior or worthless.

6. Slang. a selfish, mean, or otherwise contemptible person.

7. Slang. narcotic drugs, esp. heroin or marijuana.

8. Slang. possessions, equipment, mementos, etc.; stuff.

9. give a shit , Slang. to care; be concerned.

10. up shit creek , Slang. in a desperate or hopeless situation; in serious trouble. Also, up shits creek, up shit creek without a paddle .


11. to defecate.


12. Slang. to exaggerate or lie to.


13. Slang. (used to express disgust, disappointment, frustration, contempt, or the like).

14. no shit , (used to express amazement, incredulity, or derision).

[ (v.) var. (with short i from ptp. or n.) of earlier shite, ME shiten, OE scitan; cf. MLG, MD schiten (D schijten ), OHG skizan (G scheissen ); (n.) re-formation from the v., or continuation of OE scite (in place names) ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .