Meaning of CASH DISPENSER in English

noun (Business World) (Science and Technology) A machine from which cash can be obtained by account-holders at any time of day or night by inserting a cash card and keying in a PIN. Etymology: Formed by compounding: a dispenser of cash. History and Usage: Cash dispensers were introduced in the sixties, but made much more versatile (and therefore more popular) during the seventies and eighties, when the name cashpoint started to take over from cash dispenser. Also sometimes called a cash machine. For further history see ATM. Ian first noticed the mystery debits one weekend when he tried to withdraw money from a cashpoint, and couldn't. Which? Sept. 1989, p. 411 With an Abbeylink card you can also have round-the-clock access to a national network of cash machines...Problems with cash dispensers are the biggest cause for complaint [to the Building Societies Ombudsman], followed by building societies that charge home owners an administration fee if they refuse to take out buildings insurance through them. Good Housekeeping May 1990, pp. 18 and 191

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