noun an ace.
2. as ·adv & ·conj as if; as though.
3. as ·adv & ·conj expressing a wish.
4. as ·adv & ·conj than.
5. as ·adv & ·conj because; since; it being the case that.
6. as ·adv & ·conj expressing concession. (often approaching though in meaning).
7. as ·adv & ·conj while; during or at the same time that; when; as, he trembled as he spoke.
8. as ·adv & ·conj that, introducing or expressing a result or consequence, after the correlatives so and such.
9. as ·noun a roman weight, answering to the libra or pound, equal to nearly eleven ounces troy weight. it was divided into twelve ounces.
10. as ·adv & ·conj for instance; by way of example; thus;
used to introduce illustrative phrases, sentences, or citations.
11. as ·adv & ·conj in the idea, character, or condition of, limiting the view to certain attributes or relations; as, virtue considered as virtue; this actor will appear as hamlet.
12. as ·noun a roman copper coin, originally of a pound weight (12 oz.); but reduced, after the first punic war, to two ounces; in the second punic war, to one ounce; and afterwards to half an ounce.
13. as ·adv & ·conj denoting equality or likeness in kind, degree, or manner; like; similar to; in the same manner with or in which; in accordance with; in proportion to; to the extent or degree in which or to which; equally; no less than; as, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil; you will reap as you sow; do as you are bidden.